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Patio Season Meets the Diet

Updated: Sep 28, 2018

When there's just too much patio fun!

Easy as 1... 2... 3...

1. Eat clean before

2. Food or booze?

3. Eat clean after

Finally, spring has sprung. March came in like a lion, only to have April keep roaring. But now, with May behind us, the sun is shining, the skies are blue, and the weather screams PATIO SEASON. Unfortunately, patios don't normally equal diet friendly dining.

I don't know what it is about Spring, for some reason as soon as the sun comes out there's a shift in my dieter's mentality. Focus disappears and goals become foggy. It's not like I can blame them either. The biggest challenge that stands between us and success of any goal is "what do I want now vs. what do I want most?"

When you live in a place like Calgary, we all can agree that what we want most is sunshine, probably more than our biggest goals. So what can you do when you know you are going to blow your eating plan but don't want to suffer the consequences of a cheat night?


1. Start Clean

My first recommendation is to make sure you eat clean leading up to your cheat. Don't take this as advice to starve yourself all day, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is to eat as healthy as possible throughout the day because you will get to indulge later. The reason for this is to keep blood sugar levels as stable as possible.

Weight gain occurs when there is excess insulin, a result of too much sugar in the blood. Insulin is the key for fat storage. If you can keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the day, you will be less likely to put on weight.


2. Food or booze

Next, decide if you want to eat your calories, drink your calories, or both. Just be aware. 1 ounce of hard liquor contains about 70 calories and a 6 oz glass of red wine has about 150 calories. The calories can add up quite quickly. Imagine pairing a few glasses of wine with a gooey plate of cheesy nachos and you will likely have consumed over half of your daily allotted calories. Before going out, make a plan. Decide what it will take to make you happy, and then don't feel guilty about your choices. Guilt will only cause stress which can pack of pounds too.


3. End Clean

Finally, follow it up with a clean day. A great rule to remember is "a carbohydrate must be used as a source of energy until another carbohydrate enters the system". This means, the calories from last night's indulgence, can be used for energy rather than going into fat storage if you keep your carbohydrate count low. Once again, this isn't a recommendation to starve yourself. This is a recommendation to eat whole foods, specifically foods high in protein and lots of vegetables the day following an indulgence.


The trick to success is not allowing one occasional treat to turn into regular daily indulgences. Don't let one day of fun destroy your focus, get right back on track.

Don't let eating out be a stressor. Always remember, anything can be cleaned up, and no decision ever equals your value. You are allowed to enjoy yourself, and I encourage you to.


Serial Dieter 911



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