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Healthy Snacking 101

Updated: Sep 4, 2018

It's that time of day again. Maybe for you it's at 11:00am, for some it comes at 3:00pm, for others it's anytime after dinner. It's like the witching hour, only it's worse. It's a dieters worst nightmare, its the snacking hour.

My own snacking nightmare came shortly after reaching my goal weight. My excuse to this day is "I only knew what I knew." I was spending the weekend at my aunts, and on Friday night she pulls out a big bag of almonds and asks if I'd like any. Of course, in my mind I'm like "ya, almonds are healthy" so I took a handful and happily started munching away. Throughout the evening, I helped myself to more almonds without giving it a second thought. The next afternoon the bag of almonds was on the counter, and thinking I could use a healthy snack, I took a couple handfuls. Over the next two days I continued to grab handful after handful and on Sunday night I realized I had finished the entire bag. Okay, maybe a bag of almonds isn't that bad, but I"m not talking about just any bag of almonds, I am talking about one of those giants Costco bags of almonds. In 3 days, I had eaten 3 pounds of almonds, that's over 7000 calories above and beyond my regular food for the day. I was in shock, I had always thought almonds were healthy, how could I have been so wrong? The truth is, I wasn't wrong, I was uneducated. I only knew what I knew at the time.

It doesn't matter what time of day it happens, chances are sometime during the day you need a little pick me up. A small snack. But how often does a small snack turn into a decent sized meal? How do you balance the calories so you feel satisfied rather than wanting more? And what can you do when you just can't escape the munchies?

5 Tips to Perfect Snacking

1. Always have a source of protein - Protein is what reduces appetite and hunger levels.

Studies show that protein is by far the most filling than fats and carbohydrates.

2. Don't combine fats and carbohydrates - Studies suggest that when high fat and high carbohydrate foods are combined there is an excess release of insulin which results in the storage of fats. Try choosing a fat or a carb to add to a protein to create a well balanced snack.

3. Prepare snacks in advance - studies suggest you are more likely to eat the first thing that catches your eye when looking for a something to eat. Resist temptation by having your snacks ready and planned out. This will ensure you make the decisions when your willpower is low.

4. Watch your portions - I'm a believer that nothing is really bad for you when it's done in moderation. Being aware of your portion sizes definitely helps you make an educated guess on calories when choosing foods off the cuff.

Protein: 3 oz, size of your palm

Vegetables: 1 cup, a handful

Carbohydrates: 1/2 cup, size of a clenched fist

Fats: 2 tbsp, size of two thumbs

5. Snack when your are hungry, not starving - The more hungry you get, the more likely you are to over eat and make poor decisions. Nothing is won when you starve yourself. You are 100 times better to have a small snack when you feel a little hungry, rather than having a huge meal when you are starving.


Find foods that feed your soul as well as your body. Find foods you enjoy eating. Find foods that follow the colors of the rainbow. Find foods that bring you joy. Find foods that fill your bucket, and foods that fill you up. Find whole healthy foods you love!




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