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It's been 4 weeks...

It's been 4 weeks since my last work out. I'm really embarrassed to admit that, but it's the truth. Life got in the way. I got really sick, and was busy with work. You know how all those excuses go. In the moment, they were really good excuses too, but excuses none the less.

I've always tried to stay regular with my workout routine. I'm not going to tell you I do anything crazy, but I do like to go to the gym about 3 times a week. Right now, my workout of choice is kickboxing, but I've done everything from yoga to running, weight training to swimming. See, physical activity is something that's been ingrained into my routine.

We all know how important physical activity is, but it always seems to be something we struggle with. It's recommended that adults between the ages of 16-84 should be getting at least 150 minutes of physical activity a week to see health benefits. With over 10 000 minutes in a week, why is 150 minutes so difficult?

Humans are pushed by two factors: pain and pleasure. This seems like a very straight forward concept, however, this is the very challenge we face and trying to tackle those long term goals. The desire to avoid pain is much stronger than the willpower to needed to experience the long term pleasure of success. In my mind, I avoid the pain of a workout and enjoy the pleasure of relaxing. Unfortunately, because motivation and willpower are always the first to go, so does my workout, and then I need to create a new routine.

So what can you do when you've fallen off the wagon, and don't know how to get back on?

1. Start Slow and Easy- When I go back to the gym, that alone is my goal. Going back to the gym. It's way too hard to get in the head space to get there, let alone try and have a killer workout too. For the first week, my goal is to walk through the doors of the gym 3 times. I also don't put a ridiculous time frame on my workouts either. I'd much rather go to the gym and enjoy a quick workout I feel good about, rather than do a killer workout and be so sore I never go back to the gym.

2. Remember it Eventually Feels Good- In the middle of that first workout, you will most likely think to yourself "Oh My God, why am I doing this to myself? It hurts too much." It's important to remember that the reward of a workout comes at the end. While it may be hard in the moment, you can guarantee you will feel amazing afterwards. This is because your body releases chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain and also trigger a positive feeling in the body. Focusing on that post-workout high is a great way to help get motivated for an awesome workout.

3. Schedule it- As I mentioned, when time is of the essence, there never is enough. I recommend booking your workouts in your schedule much like you would an important doctors appointment. Then, stick to it. This is a time you have set aside to commit to your health. You owe it to yourself.

4. Try a Month Challenge Group- A great way to get back into a workout routine is to join a challenger group. These are normally short 1-month groups that run to help people stay motivated and on track. By having it broken down into a smaller time frame, it won’t feel so over whelming. Ask your local fitness facility if they currently have one running.

5. Get an Accountabili-Buddy- We can all agree, everything is more fun with a friend. So why not get a friend excited about working out together. This is great because you will have twice the motivation and will-power. When you are having a difficult day, you can depend on your accountabili-buddy to kick your butt to the gym, plus then you get that extra social time.

Remember, there is only one workout you will ever regret, and that's the one you didn't have.

Serial Dieter 911



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