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Eating Out Guide

All Because You're Trying to Eat Healthy Doesn't Mean You Have to Stay Home!

I remember when I went on my first diet. Eating out was something that terrified me. I thought I was only safe if I was the one cooking my meals. The worst experience I ever had eating out was when the server brought me my food, cooked wrong. My chicken was soaked in a sweet sauce which I had specifically asked them not to use and when I said something to the waitress, she basically told me it wasn't her problem. While she definitely was out of line, she was right. It wasn't her problem, it was mine. It left me with one of two choices, eat the meal even though it would throw my diet for a loop, or not eat the meal I was going to pay for. This is a difficult situation most dieters will find themselves in, and I want to share with you a few secrets which will make eating out so much easier as well as a few my favorite places to eat while following any strict dietary plan.


Rules for eating out:

1. AVOID BUFFETS - A buffet may seem like a price savvy option when deciding on where to go for dinner, but my general advice is don't. Buffet's should be a dieter's worst nightmare because it all comes down to willpower. By ordering off the menu, it will be easier to know what and how much you ate, plus subconscious temptation won't be able to just appear on your plate.

2. LOOK AT THE MENU BEFORE YOU GO - I try my best to avoid looking at the menu in restaurants. That's normally where I make my first mistake. The descriptions and pictures always sound and look so good. Make it easy on yourself and don't tempt your willpower. Know what you are going to order before you go!

3. DON'T GO HUNGRY - Never, I repeat, NEVER, go to a restaurant starving. If you know you are going out late, try eating a small snack to tide you over. It's not worth throwing away a week's hard work to a night out. By not going out hungry, you will increase your self control and willpower; and as a result you will have a greater chance of following through with your plan.

4. DRINK WATER - Don't waste your calories on some high sugar drink. Drinking water is one of the easiest ways to avoid calories from creeping up.

4. NEVER TELL THE STAFF YOU ARE ON A DIET, SAY YOU HAVE A FOOD SENSITIVITY OR ARE DIABETIC- a lot of people are shocked when I say this, but it's a little white lie that makes for less headaches. If you are following a strict meal plan, don't risk it. By telling your server you have a food sensitivity or are diabetic, they will generally be much more patient with any of your questions or requests.

5. DON'T BE AFRAID TO MODIFY OR ASK FOR SUBSTITUTIONS - If something on a menu looks amazing, but isn't quite within your plan, don't automatically think of it as a hard no. See you if can change it up. Swap out potatoes or fries for a side salad. Ask if they can grill the chicken breast rather than bread it. Get your salad dressing on the side. See if they can use less soy sauce in their sauces. Check if you can swap out noodles for extra vegetables. The possibilities are endless and the worst they can say is no. Remember there's never any harm in asking.

6. SPLIT YOUR MEAL - When your meal comes, take a moment to really scout it out. Do you really need that entire side of potatoes? Maybe that steak is a little on the large side? Restaurants are notorious for making their portions way too big. Before you dig in, ask for a take out container and get some of the excess food off your plate, chances are you won't miss it. Also, you've now got an easy lunch for tomorrow.

7. BREATHE - Before starting to eat take 3-5 deep breaths. This will reset your body's autonomic nervous system which will kick start digestion, allowing for greater nutrient absorption and overall awareness.

8. EAT SLOWLY - It takes 20 minutes for your brain to receive the message that it's full from the stomach, so take your time. Eating fast will likely result in overeating.

9. AVOID GLANCING AT THE DESSERT MENU - Don't even peak at it. Once you've made it through your difficult eating situation, your willpower is at an all time low, and the brain is very tricky. Even if you are full, the brain can circumvent the feeling of satiety when it has the promise of pleasure, i.e. dessert.

10. TRACK IT, NO MATTER WHAT - It's the hardest moment of the day, filling out your food journal. A meal out is definitely not an excuse to skip journalling, and while sometimes you might get an unpleasant surprise (like when you find out there is around 900 calories in a movie popcorn) the long term benefits of food journal-ling will help keep you on track. Don't lie to yourself by not filling it your food journal.


Bottom line is, planning is the key to success. If you plan to go out for dinner with the intention of pleasure, make sure it's guilt free. Being flexible about your food choices is linked with better overall health and weight management. The important thing is balance. If you are following an overall healthy meal plan, go ahead and and enjoy yourself, you deserve it!


Serial Dieter 911


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