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You are not a Garbage Can

You are not a garbage can. Stop treating yourself like one. When you choose to clear off that plate despite being full, that's exactly what you're saying, “I am a garbage can.”

But you are not a garbage can. 

I get it, food costs money, but you are investing in your health already. You aren’t advancing in your goals when you decide it’s better in your belly than in the garbage. 

Halloween was last week. I find it isn’t the the days leading up to Halloween that are hardest, but the days following. 

Before Halloween, you have to save the candy for the kids. But after Halloween, you have to eat the candy to save it from the garbage can. 

This is why I say, you are not a garbage can. Let me repeat this: You are NOT a garbage can! You are the fancy dinner at an expensive restaurant. You don't deserve garbage, you deserve better, because you ARE better!

This isn’t just about Halloween, this is about finishing your plate at the restaurant when your full, this is eating your kids left overs so they don’t go to waste, this is eating food you aren’t truly enjoying. 

So stop. Stop over indulging and stop sabotaging your health goals. Let me show you how to eat like you deserve. 

Take a deep breath. Count to 10. Ask yourself, is this helping me thrive? 

Have a big glass of water, brush your teeth, and remind yourself of what you truly want. 

Remember, you are not a garbage can.  You are a healthy human being, and you are living your healthiest life for you. 

Remember, the only person you are cheating is yourself when you over indulge. You are doing this for your health, your life, and most of all, for you. Don't forget it!


Serial Dieter 911



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