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9 Gifts to Give Yourself This Holiday Season

Christmas is here. "The Season of Giving", definitely the one time of year when we become overwhelmed with all the giving there is to be done. It's not just presents that are given, but also our time and energy. It's so easy to become tired and not enjoy the season at all because of everything we must give. Often our bucket becomes depleted and as a result we reach for food as a means to get us through the holiday season. Unfortunately during the holiday season, whole healthy foods are at a minimum, while delicious home baking and Christmas chocolates seem to be on every table. So today I want to give you 9 gifts you can give yourself to help you through the holiday season.

1. The Gift of Planning

Thinking about all the work involved during the Christmas season can leave you feeling overwhelmed. The solution, make a solid plan and stick to it. Hold yourself accountable. Write down your weight goals and remember them during the holiday season. Give yourself THE GIFT OF PLANNING.

2. The Gift of Personal Time

It seems as soon as the holidays hit, our personal time goes out the window. It's selfish to put yourself first during the Christmas Season, right? WRONG. Give yourself THE GIFT OF PERSONAL TIME. Giving yourself this gift will result in you feeling less overwhelmed and more up to the tasks of the season. Your personal time may be spent reading, walking, having your nails done, taking a bubble-bath, enjoying a cup of tea while listening to Christmas carols, watching a Christmas movie and eating popcorn – anything to provide a break in the rush of the season. It is a moment of control, and no one can take it away.

3. The Gift of Choice You have at least three choices when faced with a tradition. You can continue it, you can break it, or you can modify it. Decide which choice will satisfy you, make that choice, and accept it. Only then can you fully enjoy THE GIFT OF CHOICE.

4. The Gift of Flexibility

If there is one thing thing that will make the holidays easier, and that's THE GIFT OF FLEXIBILITY. Let yourself enjoy your favorite holiday foods. The key is planning. Your weight loss strategy for the holidays will determine what you can eat. Have a plan but be adaptable, and then relax with your decision, that is THE GIFT OF FLEXIBILITY

5. The Gift of Assertiveness

It may be hard to believe, but Christmas is definitely the season when resentment grows. We find ourselves thinking, “How come everyone else can eat whatever they want and I can’t?” Open THE GIFT OF ASSERTIVENESS. Yes, this one might seem hard, but once you get the hang of it, it will be a game changer! You need to communicate to people what you specifically want them to do and tell them in advance. Be assertive with yourself as well. Be assertive about keeping time blocked to get your fitness goals in. Keep your weight loss goal for January in mind, and remember that almost anything can be included in your food plan. Be assertive about having

healthy food choices available.

6. The Gift of Fun

With so much to do during the holiday season, it's easy to forget to become overwhelmed and depressed. It is especially important to remember to give yourself THE GIFT OF FUN. If you’re feeling a little lonely, it’s the perfect time to invite a friend for coffee, or to watch a great Christmas movie (The Christmas Chronicles, Four Christmas’s, The Holiday, A Christmas Carol with Jim Carey, Frosty, Prancer, and The Princess Switch). Maybe it’s time to find a silly comedy and laugh all by yourself (The Vicar of Dibley). Whatever your fun may be - this is the time to take it. So, give yourself a breather, give yourself THE GIFT OF FUN

7. The Gift of Renewal

One thing is for sure, by the end of the holiday season, we are left feeling absolutely exhausted. Routines have been thrown off, and after you count all the days of shopping, parties and traditions there's not much energy left. Give yourself THE GIFT OF RENEWAL. Make rest a priority during the busy holiday season. Sleep repairs your body and mind from the ravages of stress. Refreshing your physical and mental strength gives you the perspective you need to make better healthier choices.

8. The Gift of Compassion

'Tis the season for indulgence. No one wants to admit it, but it's a fact. We tend to overindulge over the holidays. With good reason too, there's so much food and so many goodies to enjoy. Do your best to make healthy choices and assert yourself where you do have control, however, do not feel guilty for your occasional indulgences. The key word is COMPASSION. Remember to honor your humanness, this is the GIFT OF COMPASSION.

9. The Gift of Your Smile


(Author Unknown)

A Smile costs nothing,

but it creates much.

It enriches those who receive it

without impoverishing those who give it.

It happens in a flash and the memory

of it sometimes lasts forever.

A Smile creates happiness in the home,

fosters goodwill in a business and is the

countersign of friends.

It is rest to the weary,

daylight to the discouraged,

sunshine to the soul and

nature’s best antidote for trouble.

It can not be bought, begged, borrowed,

or stolen, for it is something that is of

no earthly value to anybody else,

until it is given away.

And, if it ever happens that some people

should be too tired to give you a smile,

why not leave one of yours?

For nobody needs a smile as much as

Those who have none left to give.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and I look forward to connecting with you in the New Year.

Merry Christmas,

Serial Dieter 911



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